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App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:56 pm
by dwcef21
Using DBGrid or DBNavigator in an App results in a crash (0xc0000005) when closing the app. Just placing one of these components on the main form leads to the error.

WIN 10 64 bit
CEF 90.6.7
Delphi 10.4.2
32-bit version of SimpleBrowser demo

further information:

Use of class constructor and FButtonsImageCollection used by tDBGrid/tDBNavigator triggers the problem. Using the following code in the demo the app crashes as well.

Code: Select all


uses ...,Vcl.ImageCollection;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    ChromiumWindow1: TChromiumWindow;

tClassConstructorTest = class(TObject)
    class var FButtonsImageCollection: TImageCollection;
    class constructor Create;
    class destructor Destroy;


  uCEFApplication, vcl.DBCtrls;
  { tClassConstructorTest }

class constructor tClassConstructorTest.Create;
  procedure InitButtonsImageCollection;
    FButtonsImageCollection := TImageCollection.Create(nil);
    FButtonsImageCollection.Add('FIRST', HInstance,  'DBN_' + 'FIRST', ['', '_20X']);       //this line triggers the problem


class destructor tClassConstructorTest.Destroy;


procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  IntCCT: tClassConstructorTest;
  FCanClose := False;
  FClosing  := False;
  IntCCT := tClassConstructorTest.Create;
  // The browser will load the URL in AddressEdt initially.


Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:51 am
by salvadordf

Check that your application follows the destruction steps described in the demo you used as a template for your app.

Class constructors and destructors are executed in the unit initialization and finalization. At first glance I don't see any problem with your code but you have to be careful because the unit initialization is executed before the CEF initialization and the unit finalization is executed after the CEF destruction.

Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:28 am
by dwcef21

the posted code is an addition to the SimpleBrowser-demo. Adding tClassConstructorTest to that demo and creating an instance in TForm1.FormCreate triggers the crash.

Same problem occurs if i place a DBGrid/DBNavigator component on the main form of that demo. No other changes in the code.

The class constructor is not the problem by itself. Using

Code: Select all

FButtonsImageCollection.Add('FIRST', HInstance,  'DBN_' + 'FIRST', ['', '_20X']);
in a class constructor is the problem. But this is code of the vcl.

Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:08 pm
by salvadordf
I added a DBGrid and a DBNavigator component to the SimpleBrowser demo and I couldn't reproduce the crash.

CEF uses multiple processes and Delphi executes the initialization and finalization sections of all the units in the uses section in all of those processes. If the initialization or finalization sections are too complex or they require exclusive access to some files/devices/databases then anything can happen.

In these cases it's recommended using a different executable for the CEF subprocesses. See the SubProcess demo.

Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:58 pm
by dwcef21

thanks for looking into this. A colleague advised me to be more precise. Crashing is one of the background processes. werfault.exe starts sends its data and an entry into windows event viewer (application) is generated. Then the demo closes. The demo itself shows no error message.

Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:18 pm
by salvadordf
This information suggests that you need to use a different EXE for the subprocesses.

Re: App crash on close - using DBGrid/DBNavigator

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:17 am
by dwcef21

i will try this. Thanks for the input.