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I'd like to hear some advice on web automation No-SnedBox False?

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Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:55 pm

I'd like to hear some advice on web automation No-SnedBox False?

Post by sodlf159 »

Hello, I live in Korea and have been on a long journey to web automation for a month, but it doesn't work, so I'm asking a question. I know how to do most anything.

user agent and We have even changed everything, including the client header.


Now everything feels empty and I have doubts.

--no-sandbox << The way I do it, whether it's because of the detection part or not, is that the product ranking goes up only when there are valid hits for web automation and product clicks.
Even if you click using hardware, your product ranking will continue to drop.

TempParams := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;
UserAgent := GetRandomUserAgent;


ExtractUserAgentInfo(UserAgent, chromeVersion, chromeVersion1, chromeVersion2, chromeVersion3);

TempListDict := TCefListValueRef.New;
TempListDict1 := TCefListValueRef.New;

//*********************************************** x1

TempArr := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr.SetString('brand', 'Google Chrome');
TempArr.SetString('version', chromeVersion);

TempListDict.SetDictionary(0, TempArr);

//*********************************************** x2

TempArr := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr.SetString('brand', 'Not=A?Brand');
TempArr.SetString('version', IntToStr(RandomValue));

TempListDict.SetDictionary(1, TempArr);

//*********************************************** x3

TempArr := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr.SetString('brand', 'Chromium');
TempArr.SetString('version', chromeVersion);

TempListDict.SetDictionary(2, TempArr);

//*********************************************** //fullVersionList
TempArr1 := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr1.SetString('brand', 'Google Chrome');
TempArr1.SetString('version', chromeVersion+'.0.0.0');

TempListDict1.SetDictionary(0, TempArr1);

//*********************************************** x1

TempArr1 := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr1.SetString('brand', 'Chromium');
TempArr1.SetString('version', chromeVersion+'.0.0.0');

TempListDict1.SetDictionary(1, TempArr1);

//*********************************************** x2

TempArr1 := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempArr1.SetString('brand', 'Not=A?Brand');
TempArr1.SetString('version', IntToStr(RandomValue)+'.0.0.0');

TempListDict1.SetDictionary(2, TempArr1);

//*********************************************** x3

TempDict := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;

TempDict.SetList('brands', TempListDict);
TempDict.SetList('fullVersionList', TempListDict1);

TempDict.SetString('platform', 'Android');
TempDict.SetString('platformVersion', ''+chromeVersion2+'.0.0');
TempDict.SetString('architecture', '');
TempParams.SetString('acceptLanguage', 'ko-KR,ko,en-US,en,');
TempDict.SetString('model', chromeVersion3);
TempDict.SetBool('mobile', true);
TempDict.SetString('bitness', '64');

Incognito mode, of course, has all changed.
GlobalCEFApp.ChromeRuntime := True; I'm still writing this.
I really don't know how I can progress from here. I really want to learn about web automation.
The way I do it is by logging in and then clicking Stay and Random Products.
And when you click on a traffic product, it is normal for the ranking to go up, but it goes down due to abnormal detection.
--no-sandbox < Isn't that why it's absolutely detected?
In the case of IP, change everything by using tethering instead of proxy.
It can be detected even through a web browser.
It can be detected even if you trick it with a mobile browser.
I would like to know how to bypass detection.
Can anyone give me some advice?
Deleting cookies and cache is a prerequisite, and turning the browser off and on completely.
ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(ParamStr(0)), PChar(ParamStr(1)), nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Still, there is no effect

Please understand that this is Google Translator.
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:55 pm

Re: I'd like to hear some advice on web automation No-SnedBox False?

Post by sodlf159 »

1.--no-sandbox < Can it be a detection element for web automation?
2. How do I delete it?
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