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DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

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DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

Post by michal@dorfin.waw.pl »


I'd like to use this method: "Page.setBypassCSP"
to bypass CSP.
I'm trying to use it this way:

Code: Select all

 var TempParams  := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;
 TempParams.SetBool('enabled', TRUE);
 var FID:=1;
 CHROME.ExecuteDevToolsMethod(FID, 'Page.setBypassCSP', TempParams);
According to documentation the call is correct. But unfortunatelly I'm still having "BLOCKED_BY_CSP" error in "onLoadError".
Do You know where should I call this DevTools method to make it working:
I tried: onBeforeBrowse and also right after I have properly created browser. There was no effect in neither of these places.
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Re: DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

Post by salvadordf »


Your code seems to be correct and the TChromium.OnDevToolsMethodResult event returns "success" as true.

The Puppeteer documentation states this about that method :
CSP bypassing happens at the moment of CSP initialization rather than evaluation. Usually, this means that page.setBypassCSP should be called before navigating to the domain.

Keep in mind that the "Page.setBypassCSP" method is marked as experimental. It might not work as expected.
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Re: DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

Post by michal@dorfin.waw.pl »

I know that statement. That is why I asked You whether You know where to call this method to make it working. Where would You call it ?
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Re: DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

Post by salvadordf »

I've never used that method but after reading some puppeteer examples I would try this :
  • Call Page.setBypassCSP even before navigating to that domain for the first time. Before the first TChromium.LoadURL call to that domain.
  • Wait until the TChromium.OnDevToolsMethodResult event is triggered before navigating to that domain.
  • If all that fails I would also try clearing the cache, but I'm not sure if this would help.
  • Some people claim that it works if you reload the page after the Page.setBypassCSP call.
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Re: DevTools Protocol Page.setBypassCSP

Post by michal@dorfin.waw.pl »

I've just managed to bypass CSP.
Here is how I've achieved this:
1. I don't use CHROME.defaultURL -> so after creation the browser navigates to "about:blank"
2. in BrowserCreatedMsg function I execute this:

Code: Select all

var TempParams  := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New;
 TempParams.SetBool('enabled', TRUE);
 var FID:=1;
 CHROME.ExecuteDevToolsMethod(FID, 'Page.setBypassCSP', TempParams);
3. after that - when You open any page - the CSP is disabled.
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