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WebUI4CSharp updates

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WebUI4CSharp updates

Post by admin »

WebUI4CSharp is a WebUI wrapper, which allows you to use any web browser as a GUI, with C# in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.

WebUI allows you to link your console, WinForms or WPF application with a web app that runs in a web browser installed in the operating system. Originally WebUI was created to have all the UI code in the web browser and the rest of the code in your hidden C# application. However, you can also decide to have a visible C# application communicating with a HTML5 app. You can get web browser events in your desktop application, call C# functions from JS, call JS functions from C# code, execute JavaScript, etc.

WebUI4CSharp can be used console, WinForms or WPF applications for Windows.

WebUI doesn't embed a web browser in your application. It's used as a bridge between a desktop application and the web browser running an HTML5 app.

This is what's new in latest version :
  • Added Windows support for 64 and 32 bits.
  • Added a help file and HTML documentation.
  • Added Console, WinForms and WPF demos.
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Re: WebUI4CSharp updates

Post by salvadordf »


I just updated the WebUI binaries included in WebUI4CSharp.

This is what's new :
  • Added MIME type for .mjs files. https://github.com/webui-dev/webui/issues/335
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Update to WebUI 2.5.0-beta.1

Post by salvadordf »


I just updated WebUI4CSharp to WebUI 2.5.0-beta.1

This is what's new :
  • Updated webui binaries.
  • Updated the assets.
  • Added WebUI.SetConfig
  • Renamed webui_events to webui_event. BREAKING CHANGE!!!
  • Renamed webui_browsers to webui_browser. BREAKING CHANGE!!!
  • Renamed webui_runtimes to webui_runtime. BREAKING CHANGE!!!
  • Added WebUIEvent.GetFloat
  • Added WebUIEvent.GetFloatAt
  • Added WebUIEvent.GetCount
  • Added WebUIEvent.ReturnFloat
  • Added webui_config
  • Added WebUIWindow.BestBrowser
  • Added WebUIWindow.ShowWV
  • Added WebUIWindow.SetEventBlocking
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Update to WebUI 2.5.0-beta.2

Post by salvadordf »


I just updated WebUI4CSharp to WebUI 2.5.0-beta.2

This is what's new :
  • Updated webui binaries.
  • Updated the assets.
  • Added WebUI.IsHighContrast
  • Added WebUI.BrowserExist
  • Added WebUI.OpenUrl
  • Added WebUI.GetFreePort
  • Added WebUI.GetMimeType
  • Fixed memory leak in WebUIBase64.Encode
  • Fixed memory leak in WebUIBase64.Decode
  • Added more parameters to the WebUIEvent constructor. BREAKING CHANGE!!!
  • Added WebUIEvent.ClientID
  • Added WebUIEvent.ConnectionID
  • Added WebUIEvent.Cookies
  • Added WebUIEvent.ShowClient
  • Added WebUIEvent.CloseClient
  • Added WebUIEvent.SendRawClient
  • Added WebUIEvent.NavigateClient
  • Added WebUIEvent.RunClient
  • Added WebUIEvent.ScriptClient
  • Added webui_browser.Webview
  • Added webui_runtime.Bun
  • Added webui_config.folder_monitor
  • Added webui_config.multi_client
  • Added webui_config.use_cookies
  • Added webui_event_t.client_id
  • Added webui_event_t.connection_id
  • Added webui_event_t.cookies
  • Added WebUIWindow.Port
  • Added WebUIWindow.StartServer
  • Added WebUIWindow.SetHighContrast
  • Added the console_virtual_file_system demo
  • Added the console_web_app_multi_client demo
  • Added the winforms_virtual_file_system demo
  • Added the winforms_web_app_multi_client demo
  • Added the wpf_virtual_file_system demo
  • Added the wpf_web_app_multi_client demo
  • Added webui_show_client
  • Added webui_start_server
  • Added webui_set_high_contrast
  • Added webui_is_high_contrast
  • Added webui_browser_exist
  • Added webui_close_client
  • Fixed webui_encode
  • Fixed webui_decode
  • Added webui_send_raw_client
  • Added webui_open_url
  • Added webui_navigate_client
  • Added webui_get_port
  • Added webui_get_free_port
  • Added webui_get_mime_type
  • Added webui_run_client
  • Added webui_script_client
  • Added webui_interface_get_float_at