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libcef Downgray error

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libcef Downgray error

Post by sodlf159 »

Unsupported CEF version !

Use only the CEF binaries specified in the CEF4Delphi Readme.md file at https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi

Expected libcef.dll version :

Found libcef.dll version :

I want to go down because I want to use, but if I build and run the demo after building and installing the package, an error saying it is not compatible appears.

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Re: libcef Downgray error

Post by salvadordf »


You currently have a newer version of CEF4Delphi installed in Delphi but you need to use the CEF4Delphi version that supports CEF 92.0.27.

This is the CEF4Delphi release that you need :

Download the sources and the binaries using the links in the release announcement. This is the link to the CEF4Delphi sources :

These are the CEF binaries you need :
  • Windows 32 bits -> https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_92.0.27%2Bg274abcf%2Bchromium-92.0.4515.159_windows32.tar.bz2
  • Windows 64 bits -> https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_92.0.27%2Bg274abcf%2Bchromium-92.0.4515.159_windows64.tar.bz2

Uninstall the CEF4Delphi version currently installed in your PC and then follow this guide to install the CEF4Delphi version you just downloaded :
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Re: libcef Downgray error

Post by sodlf159 »

CEF binaries missing !

The missing files are :





There is no file called. If you take this from the latest file and insert it, it will be the same

Unsupported CEF version !

Use only the CEF binaries specified in the CEF4Delphi Readme.md file at https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi

Expected libcef.dll version :

Found libcef.dll version :

The message box appears the same.

All IDE packages have been removed. Even after reinstalling 5 times, it’s the same
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Re: libcef Downgray error

Post by salvadordf »

In this case it's necessary to uninstall CEF4Delphi totally before installing a different version.

The error message about the expected and found libcef.dll versions means that Delphi still has some BPL or DCU files from the previous CEF4Delphi version.

Please, follow the guide at the bottom of this wiki page :

It's also necessary to delete the DCU files generated by Delphi when it builds your application.
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Re: libcef Downgray error

Post by sodlf159 »

thank you salvadordf I just think Delphi 11 is not compatible.
It works fine when I go down to 10.4.2.
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Re: libcef Downgray error

Post by salvadordf »

I'm glad it worked. :D

I just tested CEF4Delphi 92.0.27 in Delphi 11 and it worked fine.

This is what I did :
  • Run Delphi 11.
  • Select the "Component -> Install Packages..." menu option to Remove the CEF4Delphi packages.
  • Close Delphi.
  • Delete all BPL and DCU files generated by CEF4Delphi in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Bpl
  • Just in case, delete the DCP, BPI and LIB files generated by CEF4Delphi in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Dcp and C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Dcp\Win64
  • Just in case, delete all HPP files generated by CEF4Delphi in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\hpp\Win32 and C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\hpp\Win64
  • Delete all the previous CEF4Delphi sources.
  • Download the CEF4Delphi version you need : https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi/archive/refs/tags/92.0.4515.159.zip
  • Decompress CEF4Delphi-92.0.4515.159.zip.
  • Run Delphi 11.
  • Open CEF4Delphi\packages\CEF4Delphi.dproj
  • Select the "Project -> Build All Projects" menu option.
  • Right-click on the CEF4Delphi.bpl icon inside the Project manager and select the Install option.
  • Download the CEF binaries from https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_92.0.27%2Bg274abcf%2Bchromium-92.0.4515.159_windows32.tar.bz2
  • Decompress the CEF binaries.
  • Copy the contents of the "Release" and "Resources" directories inside CEF4Delphi\bin.
  • Open the CEF4Delphi\demos\Delphi_VCL\MiniBrowser demo.
  • Open the project options and add the CEF4Delphi\source directory to the search path.
  • Build and run MiniBrowser.
Some developers reported that they also had to delete all DCU files from their applications and use the "Build all projects" options to rebuild everything.
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