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Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:07 pm
by Minz3

again thank you for your patience! At least I have a whtie window now (it kept gray before). So after the initialization I immediately create the child form like that.

Code: Select all

procedure TPWAModuleForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
  if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.GlobalContextInitialized then
      Caption            := 'ToolBox Browser';
      cursor             := crDefault;
      CreateToolboxChild('ToolBox Browser', '');
    ShowMessage('CEF App is not initialized');
I thought that would be ok too, when I dont need an addressbar and go button because I would only visit one site.

But it does not open the url properly. As I said it only shows a white screen:

Also after I clicked the closing button the CloseQuery function will be executed and FClosing will be set to true but the windows keeps open.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:11 pm
by salvadordf
It looks like the TChromium browser in the child form is not created.

Please try this and post the results :
  • Build the ToolBoxBrowser demo without modifications and try to open If it doesn't open that website check if you have any proxy in your local network. Perhaps the antivirus is blocking Internet access to some applications.
  • Set a breakpoint in your application at the line with the Chromium1.CreateBrowser call inside the TChildForm.FormShow procedure. This code line should be executed and it should return TRUE.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:19 pm
by Minz3
The Demo works fine and Chromium1.CreateBrowser returns TRUE.

Because of Debugging problems I checked it like this:

Code: Select all

procedure TChildForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
  if Chromium1.CreateBrowser(CEFWindowParent1, '') then
BrowserCreatedMsg never gets called.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:49 pm
by salvadordf
Please, set a breakpoint in these procedures to see if they are executed :
  • TChildForm.Chromium1AfterCreated
  • TChildForm.BrowserCreatedMsg
Use the same CEF binaries you had when you tested the ToolBoxBrowser demo.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:51 pm
by salvadordf
I see you edited your message while I was writing mine :P

Please, check that TChildForm.Chromium1AfterCreated is executed and the CEFBROWSER_CREATED message is sent to the child form.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:55 pm
by salvadordf
If you always open the same website you can also set TChromium.DefaultURL before calling TChromium.CreateBrowser to load it automatically as soon as the browser is created.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:06 pm
by Minz3
Both, TChildForm.Chromium1AfterCreated & TChildForm.BrowserCreatedMsg are not getting executed. But CreateBrowser returns true... strange.

I can just estimate that CEFBROWSER_CREATED is send to the child form because somehow I can't debug the CEF components. Even if I try to jump from other, which are calling the CEF forms into it.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:48 pm
by salvadordf
Strange indeed...

Please check that :
  • The CEF binaries were extracted from the "Release" and "Resources" directories. The binaries in the "Debug" directory are a known cause of unexpected issues.
  • The GlobalCEFApp properties are the same for the main application EXE and the subprocess, specially the FrameworkDirPath, ResourcesDirPath, LocalesDirPath, cache and UserDataPath paths. The GlobalCEFApp.BrowserSubprocessPath property should only be set in the main application.
  • The Subprocess.exe file from the SubProcess demo is loaded by mistake in your application instead of the right subprocess.exe. They could have different GlobalCEFApp properties and cause these problems.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:53 am
by Minz3
The CEF binaries were extracted from the "Release" and "Resources" directories. The binaries in the "Debug" directory are a known cause of unexpected issues.
I rebuild the ToolBoxBrowser Demo and put the output into the main project.
The GlobalCEFApp properties are the same for the main application EXE and the subprocess, specially the FrameworkDirPath, ResourcesDirPath, LocalesDirPath, cache and UserDataPath paths. The GlobalCEFApp.BrowserSubprocessPath property should only be set in the main application.
I never changed the default properties of the GlobalCEFApp. The only thing I have changed is at the uCEFLoader.pas

Code: Select all

  GlobalCEFApp.BrowserSubprocessPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'ERPSubProcess.exe';
What are the default paths? And I thought because of the SubProcess I just need to implement the uCEFLoder instead of changing the MainApp.dpr, am I right or did I get something wrong? The SubProcess.dpr is also untouched.

Code: Select all

program SubProcess;




  GlobalCEFApp                  := TCefApplication.Create;
  GlobalCEFApp.FrameworkDirPath     := 'cef';
  GlobalCEFApp.ResourcesDirPath     := 'cef';
  GlobalCEFApp.LocalesDirPath       := 'cef\locales';
  GlobalCEFApp.cache                := 'cef\cache';
  GlobalCEFApp.UserDataPath         := 'cef\User Data';

  GlobalCEFApp := nil;
The Subprocess.exe file from the ToolBoxBrowser demo is loaded by mistake in your application instead of the right subprocess.exe. They could have different GlobalCEFApp properties and cause these problems.
Where could I check if the right EXE was loaded? Can I force to build it, when compiling? Because I just copied the subprocess.exe from the demo and changed the name. In the Task Manager I see the right Subprocess with the correct name.

Re: Debugging Problems and strange behavior

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:08 pm
by salvadordf
I just uploaded a new demo called "ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser" to GitHub.

It uses a different EXE for the subprocesses that you need to build using the ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser_sp.dproj file.
Then build the ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser.dproj file and run ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser.

When you run it you will see one ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser.exe process and a few ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser_sp.exe processes.

The CEF initialization has been modified to use a simple timer like the rest of the demos. The TMainForm.CheckCEFInitialization procedure enables the user interface in the main form if CEF is fully initialized or enables a timer to check again after 1 second.

The child form has a slightly modified TChildForm.FormCloseQuery procedure and it shouldn't have problems closing it even when the browser has failed for some reason.

The main DPR file (ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser.dpr) only needed adding the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag and the "Windows" unit. The rest is a normal autogenerated DPR file.

Remeber that if you modify any GlobalCEFApp property in uCEFLoader.pas you will also need to modify those properties in the ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser_sp.dpr file.

If you use the latest CEF release instead of the main GitHub branch you will need to make a couple of changes in ToolBoxSubProcessBrowser_sp.dpr
  • Replace "uCEFApplicationCore" with "uCEFApplication" in the uses section.
  • Replace "GlobalCEFApp := TCefApplicationCore.Create;" with "GlobalCEFApp := TCefApplication.Create;" in the code.