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CEF4Delphi updates

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CEF4Delphi updates

Post by salvadordf »

From now on, this thread will be used to keep all the CEF4Delphi update announcements together in one place.
Previous announcements are still available in the "General" section using individual threads.

In order to keep this thread clean I disabled the replies but you can create a new thread if you need to add some comments or questions.

The list of commits to the repository is here :

GitHub shows all the code changes when you click on each commit.
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Update to CEF 85.3.11

Post by salvadordf »

CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 85.3.11

These are the changes in CEF : These are the changes in CEF4Delphi :
  • Added an alternative PrintToPDF menu option to the MiniBrowser demo. It uses a DevTools method to call PrintToPDF but it's not working for now.
  • The MiniBrowser demo now has the code to get the error code and error message in case the DevTools method is not succesfull.
These are the CEF binaries :
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Re: CEF4Delphi updates

Post by salvadordf »

I just did a small update to CEF4Delphi with the following changes : The CEF binaries are the same as the previous update.
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Update to CEF 85.3.12

Post by salvadordf »


CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 85.3.12 which includes Chromium 85.0.4183.121 :D

There are no other code changes in CEF or CEF4Delphi.

These are the CEF binaries :
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Re: CEF4Delphi updates

Post by salvadordf »

I just uploaded a new CEF4Delphi version with one new property :

That property adds --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing which has these comments :
Enable screen capturing support for MediaStream API.
The CEF binaries are the same as the previous CEF4Delphi version.
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Update to CEF 86.0.14

Post by salvadordf »


CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 86.0.14

These are the main changes in CEF :
The CEF binaries are these :
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Update to CEF 86.0.17

Post by salvadordf »


CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 86.0.17.

It doesn't have any relevant changes for us but it's the latest CEF version available.

The CEF binaries are these : WARNING :
This version has a keyboard focus issue. There's no workaround at this moment.

Keep using the latest CEF4Delphi release with CEF 85 to avoid this issue :
https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delph ... ses/latest
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Update to CEF 86.0.18

Post by salvadordf »


CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 86.0.18 which includes Chromium 86.0.4240.111

This is a security update in Chromium. Read this for more information :
https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-re ... -zero-day/
https://chromium.googlesource.com/chrom ... 240%5E%21/

The CEF 86 binaries are these : WARNING :
This version has a keyboard focus issue. There's no workaround at this moment.

Keep using the latest CEF4Delphi release with CEF 85 to avoid this issue :
https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delph ... ses/latest

The CEF project also patched the previous release with Chromium 85 and you can use the patched CEF 85 binaries with the CEF4Delphi release mentioned before if you set GlobalCEFApp.CheckCEFFiles to FALSE. The latest CEF 85 binaries are these :
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Re: CEF4Delphi updates

Post by salvadordf »

I just added a new property to GlobalCEFApp called "BlinkSettings".

This property has the same possible values as the "--blink-settings" command line switch and it has this comments :
Set blink settings. Format is <name>[=<value],<name>[=<value>],... The names are declared in Settings.json5. For boolean type, use "true", "false", or omit '=<value>' part to set to true. For enum type, use the int value of the enum value. Applied after other command line flags and prefs.
The possible names and values for that property are here :
https://source.chromium.org/chromium/ch ... ings.json5

For example, you can disable the images by adding this before the GlobalCEFApp.StartMainProcess call in the DPR file :

Code: Select all

GlobalCEFApp.BlinkSettings := 'imagesEnabled=false';
The CEF binaries are the same as the last announcement.

This version has a keyboard focus issue. There's no workaround at this moment.

Keep using the latest CEF4Delphi release with CEF 85 to avoid this issue :
https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delph ... ses/latest
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Update to CEF 86.0.19

Post by salvadordf »


CEF4Delphi is now updated to CEF 86.0.19.

The issue #309 with the keyboard focus is now fixed in the CEF binaries! :D

The CEF binaries are these :