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I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

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I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by MartinA60552084 »


I downloaded https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_107.1.11%2Bg26c0b5e%2Bchromium-107.0.5304.110_windows64.tar.bz2
After extracting I can not find "CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj" where to find it ?

I followed these steps:
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by salvadordf »


That bz2 package contains the official CEF binaries.

The Delphi projects are inside the ZIP package available in the CEF4Delphi repository :

Decompress "master.zip" and open the "packages" directory to find all the projects.
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by MartinA60552084 »

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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by miket@cbofks.com »

Greetings Salvadordf,

I too cannot seem to figure out what is going on. I only have a CEF4Delphi.dprog file in my packages folder, but no groupprog file. I can compile the dprog file, but there is no install option. What might I be doing wrong?

I installed this in Delphi 10.4 back in July 2019, but cannot recall how I did it. Now I need to install it in Delphi 11.2 and am stumped.

I should probably mention that my current install was back in 07/30/2019 using CEF 74.1.16, so now I'm guessing that you would want me download the latest version of CEF4Delphi from GitHub. Which I can do as it does include the groupprog file. If I uninstall my current component in Delphi 10.4.2 and install the latest, can I use CEF 74.1.16 still or do I have to update that too. I'm just unsure of what all is involved as I have to update the cefDistribiutables on the office server too. Do you have any documentation of what all needs to be done to update to the latest version of the CEF4Delphi components on my development computer and how to update the cefDistribiutables too? Sorry, it's been since 2019 since I had to deal with any of this and I just cannot recall what needs to be done.

Please advise.

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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by salvadordf »


The "groupproj" file was added in newer CEF4Delphi versions and you would need to download the latest CEF4Delphi version from GitHub in order to find it.

Download the latest CEF4Delphi version from here :

Then download the CEF binaries using the links in the readme.md file. At the time of this writing these are the CEF binaries :
  • Windows 32 bits -> https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_109.1.11%2Bg6d4fdb2%2Bchromium-109.0.5414.87_windows32.tar.bz2
  • Windows 64 bits -> https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/cef_binary_109.1.11%2Bg6d4fdb2%2Bchromium-109.0.5414.87_windows64.tar.bz2
Follow the update instructions at the end of this article :

Read this thread to know what has changed in the last years :

Also check the announcements for each new version here :

There are tons of CEF4Delphi information in these pages :
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by miket@cbofks.com »

Thank you, looks like I have a little reading ahead of me.
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by miket@cbofks.com »

Greetings Salvadordf,

I still have to setup Delphi 11, so I have a quick question.

Since I will need to uninstall my current version of CEF4Delphi from Delphi 10.4.2, then delete all bpl and dcu's, will the latest CEF4Delphi that I install in Delphi 10.4.2 and Delphi 11.2 work with the existing CEF binaries that I currently have on my computer which is CEF 74.1.16 from back in 07/30/2019, or should and must they be updated together? Just trying to get a grasp on how all this stuff works together, as it has been a while since I first set this up. Mostly I'm concerned that if I update the server at the office and they start having issues with the latest CEF binaries, can I revert back to the older binaries if necessary until I have time to trace down the issues.

Thanks, for all you do,
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by salvadordf »


Each CEF4Delphi version works with the CEF binaries linked in the "Readme.md" file found in the CEF4Delphi package.

If you upgrade or downgrade the CEF4Delphi version then you need to upgrade or downgrade the CEF binaries.

Follow the steps at the end of this wiki page :

CEF 74.1.16 is very old and many things have been fixed and improved in CEF4Delphi since 2019. I would have to dig deep in old forum messages but I remember that there was at least one Delphi version that required some changes in CEF4Delphi.

Please, consider upgrading to the latest CEF4Delphi version if you move to Delphi 11.2
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Re: I can not find CEF4Delphi_group.groupproj for install

Post by miket@cbofks.com »

Understood now, thanks so much.
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