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Proxy bug ?

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Proxy bug ?

Post by thefunkyjoint »


I've been noticing this weird but : after i set up a proxy, it works sometimes, sometimes not :?

I'm using a similar code to the one on the Minibrowser, on the end of the post. Then i check my ip and city using something like www.whatismyip.com and i can check that, sometimes it shows my own ip, sometimes it shows the IP of the proxy (correct).

Is there anything else i should do, besides the code below ? Do i need to wait some time after calling 'Chromium1.UpdatePreferences;' ?

Chromium1.ProxyType := PreferencesFrm.ProxyTypeCbx.ItemIndex;
Chromium1.ProxyServer := PreferencesFrm.ProxyServerEdt.Text;
Chromium1.ProxyPort := strtoint(PreferencesFrm.ProxyPortEdt.Text);
Chromium1.ProxyUsername := PreferencesFrm.ProxyUsernameEdt.Text;
Chromium1.ProxyPassword := PreferencesFrm.ProxyPasswordEdt.Text;
Chromium1.ProxyScriptURL := PreferencesFrm.ProxyScriptURLEdt.Text;
Chromium1.ProxyByPassList := PreferencesFrm.ProxyByPassListEdt.Text;
Chromium1.CustomHeaderName := PreferencesFrm.HeaderNameEdt.Text;
Chromium1.CustomHeaderValue := PreferencesFrm.HeaderValueEdt.Text;
Chromium1.MaxConnectionsPerProxy := PreferencesFrm.MaxConnectionsPerProxyEdt.Value;

case PreferencesFrm.ProxySchemeCb.ItemIndex of
1 : Chromium1.ProxyScheme := psSOCKS4;
2 : Chromium1.ProxyScheme := psSOCKS5;
else Chromium1.ProxyScheme := psHTTP;

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Re: Proxy bug ?

Post by dilfich »

Perhaps the proxy is not completely anonymous? Then it will be like this either constantly or from time to time to show the real one.

In devtols, it is still worth checking, requests to the location of the remote site address should show the ip proxy.
Remote Address:
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Re: Proxy bug ?

Post by salvadordf »

I haven't seen any report about proxy issues in the CEF project lately.

Check what dilfich said and try different proxy settings.
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Re: Proxy bug ?

Post by thefunkyjoint »

Besides using some site like www.whatismyipaddress.com , is there a way to check the real IP used at the moment, only using DCEF ?
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Re: Proxy bug ?

Post by salvadordf »

As far as I know, when the browser uses a proxy you need an external website to check the external IP address that the web browser is using.
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